Bewitching the Alpha Male Blog Hop

CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS!  Molly won from this blog – I’ve sent your book to you.  🙂

Hello everyone!  I’m taking part in two blog hops this weekend – how fun is that?  There’s nothing I like more than an Alpha male–well, except an Alpha male with a dark, brooding past.  Wounded heroes are the best! 

Provoked releases on November 1st and is up for a pre-order sale right now.  So I thought I’d show you a glimpse into Kane Kayrs, a dominant, brilliant, Alpha.  Here’s a quick blurb:

Kane grabbed the brandy glasses. Handing Amber one, he retook his seat in the chair. “Drink.”

“Stop being bossy.”

“Sorry.” Slowly, he took a sip, gaze watchful over the rim.

She drank a healthy gulp. How was she supposed to act normal with a sexy vampire studying her? “Stop staring.”

“No.” He licked a drop from his lip.

She fought a groan. The brandy warmed down her throat to her abdomen. Wind whistled outside, lending an intimacy to the fire-lit area inside. Her eyes half-closed in reaction. Tingles set up in her knees—most likely from the mind war she’d just fought. But the confusion came from her reaction to the vampire. “You shouldn’t have kissed me last night.”

“I know,” he agreed softly.

“Why did you?”

“You’re beautiful, sexy, and I want you.”  His voice was calm and self-assured.

No game-playing with that man.

She fought to keep her face calm. He said want in present tense. Her body reacted instantly. “That’s surprising. I figured you’d go for some robotic scientist type.”

“Apparently not.”

As people, they couldn’t be more different. He was overeducated. She . . . not so much. “I’m a pacifist.”

He gestured for her to finish her drink. “Let’s talk about that.”

She downed the rest of the brandy, a delicious heat sliding through her body. “There’s nothing to talk about.”

He tipped back his head and drank his brandy, the movement both masculine and sexy. Setting the sifter on the side table, he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “I’ve been thinking.”

“That’s a new one.” She snorted.

Vampires had sexy grins. Who knew?

Kane’s grin widened. “So, I have a solution for our dilemma. You’re a pacifist who shouldn’t fight. I am a closet empath who needs to find my brother.”

The guy probably didn’t confess that fact to many people. She smiled, more warmth coming from his trust than from the alcohol. “What’s a closet empath?”

“Somebody who has fought for years to squash down the ability to read emotions from other people.” He sighed, stretching his neck. “Though, I can also attack with feelings sometimes. The ability can distract an enemy at the right moment, although I’d rather just use my brain.”

“There’s nothing wrong with feeling things, Kane.”

He shrugged. “Not the point.”

“What is the point?” Besides that fact that she was in an intimate setting alone for an entire night with the sexiest man she’d ever met in real life.

“The point is that there is a very simple answer to our dilemma.” His eyes darkened and his strong jaw set. “Mate me.”

So, here are the links if you’d like to pre-order Provoked and be one of the first to download it:


Also, here are the links to get back on the blog hops – make sure you hit the one you’ve been on!  (Feel free to hop on board the other one when you’re finished.  There are tons of great prizes in both.  They’re both scheduled to actually start the 19th)  Speaking of prices, in addition to the ones being given from me on the hops, I’m also giving away signed copies of Fated, Claimed, and Hunted to ONE randomly chosen commenter from my blog here.  So drop me a comment.  Do you have any plans for halloween?


132 thoughts on “Bewitching the Alpha Male Blog Hop”

  1. Jana says:

    Nov 1st hurry up and get here!!! I love your books!!!!!!!

  2. I’m taking my kids trick or treating.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Chrystina says:

    On Halloween I’ll probably just curl up on the couch and watch scary movies 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Beckey says:

    Thanks for sharing the burb about the book.. Like the cover 🙂



  5. MaryAnn Inabinet says:

    The only plans that I have for Halloween involve going with my gad-daughter trick-or-treating and maybe spending some time with my hubby! Sorry, awfully bland, but such is life sometimes!

  6. carol L says:

    Hi Rebecca, I loved the blurb. Thanks for participating and thank you for the book being Print. 🙂
    Have no plans other then a Halloween party for the grandkids.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  7. Jeanne says:

    Provoked sounds like a great read. Going to add it to my TBR pile!

  8. Lori Meehan says:

    Hi Rebecca. I loved the excerpt. I can’t wait to read the rest of the book.
    My sister is having a Halloween party but I HATE to dress in costumes. No costum no entry. I told her she gave me the perfect out. Lol. So I guess I’m getting a mask.
    Have a great Halloween yourself.
    Lorimeehan 1@

  9. JoAnna B says:

    Can’t wait to read Provoked. Love your series!

    Beckerjo at Verizon dot net

  10. Heather says:

    I love your books, they have a great story line to them once I start readying I can’t put them down.

    1. Heather says:

      That’s supposed to say reading not readying sorry

  11. elainesay says:

    I love the preview! I can’t wait to read the book!! I am taking my 3 kids trick n treating this year! We will also be carving pumpkins!

  12. slinkydennis says:

    I can’t wait for this book! I love it. The point is that there is a very simple answer to our dilemma. Mate me. God love those Alpha males! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Tanya Willix says:

    sounds great love to read more

  14. Lynn Rush says:

    LOVE this. Totally preordered the book. Can’t wait!!

  15. Hi Rebecca!! I am so excited for this book! I’ve already preordered it from Amazon and can’t wait for the download!! I love all your alpha males! For Halloween, I have a spanish test to take and then I’m taking my son trick-or-treating! Thanks for the chance to win!!

    ehaney578 at aol dot com

  16. sherry1969 says:

    I enjoyed the blurb. I will probably have to work on Halloween.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  17. Ok, so that’s it, I’m adding Kane to my list of loves! I’m looking forward to reading this!

    As for Halloween, taking the munchkin trick or treating! And this weekend we are kicking it off with a haunted train ride – for kids. Yay!

    Thanks so much!
    liz at fictional candy dot com

  18. proserpinecraving says:

    Hi! Thanks for this chance! Actually, I have nothing planned for Halloween 🙁 but it might change (I hope!) Or I’ll be giving candy to children! Thanks again!


  19. Martine says:

    I pre-ordered Provoked on Amazon since last month. Can’t wait to read K’s story. I have read every one of your books. For Halloween I will be Trick or Treating with the neighborhood gang from 4 to 9.
    Then I’ll be giving candy from 9:15 to 12:00. After midnight we check all our candy to make sure it is safely wrapped and we watch horror movies until 2:00 am while eatting candy and popcorn.

  20. JeanMP says:

    Book sounds really good, can’t wait to read it.
    Just handing out candy this year, nothing exciting for Halloween.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  21. kaylynd says:

    My hubby & I are taking our daughter trick or treating. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. Kane’s quite the dilemma solver isn’t he? LOL Wow!
    For Halloween, it’s the usual for me, dressing the kids up and walking the neighborhood. Maybe w/ a few extra perks for the adults this year, not sure yet though. But I do have some nice ideas! *weg*
    Thanks to you from me, for the chance at your giveaway on this most awesome HOP! 😉
    Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com

  23. kym amaral says:

    This will be my first year without teens in the house, not sure what I will do for Halloween, maybe curl up with a good book 🙂

    Thanks for the hoppin fun !

  24. Dani Mabe says:

    Taking my daughter trick or treating. She is 5 and is determined to be a werewolf.

  25. susan platt says:

    I love everything about Alphas and love this series, November 1st can’t come soon enough! Awesome Blog Hop! Halloween is taking kids into town and going trick or treating in their grandparents neighborhood!

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  26. dgmolly says:

    Great excerpt! Thanks for being a part of the hop.
    molly dot frenzel at gmail dot com

  27. samantha atkin says:

    On halloween my kids will be dressed up so i will be answering the door with them giving everyone candy.I’ve just come across your books thanks to the alpha hop and i’m going to be checking them out.thanks….sam

  28. Jinni James says:

    Halloween plans are taking the kids trick or treating then eating a ton of candy afterwards.

  29. laurie goudge says:

    Thanks for sharing the burb about the book.. Like the cover

  30. kel says:

    Thanks for a great post. The book looks good.
    kelly_book_maven (at) yahoo (dot) com

  31. ronnie cornett says:

    Can’t wait for Provoked!!! The day after Halloween I’ll be reading it and eating candy leftovers…lol

  32. Bethanne says:

    somehow, in paranormal the words “let’s mate” ring true to romance. 😀 Don’t ask me why! I guess it’s all that alpha male going on.

  33. Rae M. says:

    Firstly I have to say you are so cruel for ending that excerpt there! So cruel. As for Halloween plans, they’re not exactly concrete yet. It will probably be a movie marathon at night. But as for day plans, not sure yet.


  34. Lisa Walker says:

    Thanks for the great excerpt and thanks for the chance!
    We are taking our youngest out Trick or Treating!

  35. can’t wait to read it! we are going to a Trunk or Treat festival and parade with our girls and my brother-in-law and his wife and boys.

  36. jennifer mathis says:

    my plans for halloween is to stay at home and hand out candy … we always get a houseful of kids so we try to make it an open party type thing

  37. Jenny says:

    I absolutely love the excerpt! Kane seems like my sort of guy. 🙂 As for Halloween, I’m just staying home and passing out Halloween candy.

    Jyl22075 at

  38. Jo says:

    I’ll be taking my 2 girls trick-or-treating on Halloween, but on 10/30 we are having our annual Halloween bowling party at work, where each group dresses up in a theme (ours is Peter Pan) and we have a costume competition.

    jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

  39. Rachel says:

    Awesome blurb – for Halloween I’m throwing my partner a birthday party with some of his oldest friends.

    Rachel (

  40. ashleyanne30 says:

    Provoked sounds like a great read!! Thanks for joining the hop!! Love Alpha males!!
    I dont have any plans for Halloween but with my friends you never know what might happen lol
    Ashley A

  41. Can’t wait for Provoked!
    Taking the Red Ranger trick-or-treating for Halloween.

    1. Ooops! dunbar18(at)frontier(dot)com

  42. Amanda Woodruff says:

    I’ll be taking both of my boys trick or treating this year and my youngest will be dressed up. The only thing we have to hope is that weather is nice enough for their cute costumes! I also can’t wait for November 1st!!!!

  43. On Halloween, I will be at a Harvest Party and my daughter’s church with 3 of my precious grandchildren. It takes both of us to herd them. They are 4, 2, and 1. LOL!!!


  44. Cassandra Hicks says:

    Giving out candy & getting to see all the kids 🙂
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  45. yganoe says:

    Nothing exciting…reading at home.

  46. arswthrt says:

    Not really doing anything on Halloween. We decorate the outside every year for anyone who comes by to enjoy and we pass out candy. Otherwise we’ll just kick back and relax and watch some tv or play on the computer.
    Thanks for the excerpt and the eye candy on the cover of the book! YUMM and I want more.
    Best wishes and continued success
    Christine S
    cms72023 at gmail dot com

  47. chitsuen says:

    Fantastic giveaway and a great excerpt! For Halloween, hmm. I think I’ll buy a big bag of assorted candy, possibly a bottle of wine, and watch scary movies all night. 🙂

  48. mabledsoe says:

    Oh I can’t wait for Nov. 1st. I have had so much fun with your
    Halloween will be just another night for me. My daughter is in college and doing her own thing.

    Michelle Bledsoe
    koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

  49. Lynne Parker says:

    I’ll hand out candy to the neighborhood kids.

  50. haikufall says:

    I love all this great reads from the hop.

  51. Christina says:

    Thanx for the tidbit. Can’t wait to read the book! This year I have family visiting for Halloween. Which means I will probably be dragged down into the super crowded, ultra crazy Halloween madness in Waikiki beach. I hope to make it out alive! LOL

  52. Micheleann oboyle says:


  53. Vanessa N. says:

    Great blurb. Thanks for the chance.

  54. Oh, I adore you for the chance at prizes. Did Christina really complain about being dragged to Waikiki Beach? Now I’m depressed, because the scary movie watching planned for our Halloween night just doesn’t compare. Oh, well.

  55. hmmm maybe I will try another vampire book

  56. Carin W says:

    sound like a good one! Carin
    mawmom at gmail dot com

  57. Tammy Turner says:

    Why I love Alpha Males is no real surprise! The perfect Alpha Male for me could be a Vampire, a Scottish Laird, an English Rogue/Gentleman, a Werewolf or Shape-shifter, or a Knight. He’s the rogue who thinks he can’t be reformed into a gentleman. He’s the rough and scarred Scottish laird that has a heart of gold. He’s the werewolf or shape-shifter that needs to heal an aching heart because it took him years to find his true mate. He’s the vampire who has waited decades for that special someone’s blood to sing to him and wake him up. And he’s the knight who can defeat the enemy with a quick swing of his sword, but can’t see the love in front of his face. My Alpha Male has eyes that can see into your soul and are as blue as the sea, or as black as a storm. He’s tall and brooding. His heart can enfold you into its grasp and make you fall in love when he gives it to you freely and completely. He is protective and passionate. In the end he is the one that makes your heart jump and butterflies fly in your stomach, and still kiss you until your legs melt!

  58. ronnie cornett says:

    On Halloween I’ll gtve out candy….this is the 1st I don’t have any of my kids to take out…I’ll kinda miss it.

  59. Linda Arrowwood says:

    Decorate the house with ghosts, graves, spiders, and spooky music.

  60. Tamara Hoffa says:

    we’ll be taking my grandsons to Montgomery Bell State park for their Halloween night festivities

  61. Kimberly Wise says:

    We have a Fall Festival at my sons school and since I am the PTO secretary I am running the activities… It takes up so much time for the months of Sept and Oct that I am glad when it is Nov… And could really use a book to relax to!!! hint hint!1

  62. belindaegreen says:


    Doing the Alpha Male blog hop….oh yeah! I‘m excited to be a part of this hop! Wow, 200+ authors—a perfect opportunity to meet new authors! It’s always fun trying to visit as many sites as possible.

    I love alpha heroes who are take charge men! They are loyal, loving and caring men. They usually have sexy looks, brains, money and a commanding presence that draws people. When they find their mates and fall in love they will move heaven and earth to stake their claim. This is exciting to watch even when they are not sure why they have to have or be with this particular person. An awesome love dance! It’s definitely addicting to read.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win some great prizes.

    Belinda G

    1. belindaegreen says:

      Hello again Rebecca, doing the Bewitching hop too! So cool to get to do both! LOL I like doing these. Meeting some great new authors.

      Thanks for the opportunity to win some great prizes on both hops!

      Belinda G

  63. Marie H says:

    Halloween will consist of taking our daughter trick-or-treating and spending the day playing dress-up 🙂 Thanks for a great giveaway! 🙂

    songbird1613 at yahoo dot com

  64. I’ll be taking the kids out trick or treating. xstitchdiva at att dot net

  65. Lona Stringer says:

    I’m stuck working. Cant wait for Provoked , love the cover. Thx for the hop stop.

    blinkysthebest at aol dot com

  66. latishajean says:

    I have no plans maybe read a good book or watch a scary movie!
    Thank you very much for the great giveaway and fun blog hop!
    Latisha D

  67. Janie McGaugh says:

    Nice excerpt. Sounds really good.

  68. Deb P says:

    For Halloween , on 31th I pass out the candy. A very important job. 😉

  69. Shelley says:

    You were my favorite summer discovery and I’ve been counting down the days for your next book. My best bud is bringing over her 2 and my honey is going to take out our 3 girls to trick or treat. We moms are going to pass out goodies and watch a Christmas movie to kick off the season.

  70. JanD says:

    Thank you for the excerpt. I don’t have plans for Halloween at the moment.
    bituin76 AT hotmail DOT com

  71. vannasmy says:

    I might actually dress up this Halloween 😉 Good luck with your book!

  72. Mary Preston says:

    No plans. I do get excited by the books that come out for Halloween though.


  73. I have plans only to take my boys trick or treating then curl up with a hot drink and sexy Alpha men on my Kindle! Thanks for the excerpt and chance to win.

    Molly at reviewsbymolly dot com

  74. maybe31 says:

    My daughter’s really excited about halloween. She’s wearing her costume daily already at home!

    maybe31 at

  75. BookAttict says:

    Since Halloween falls mid-week this year, I’ll be curled up on the couch, reading a book and giving out candy.
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  76. April says:

    Having an awesome time checking out new authors and old favorites in the Alpha Male and Bewitching Blog Hops!

    My to read list keeps getting longer!

    grapeapril75 at gmail dot com

  77. Amy S. says:

    Adding this to my to buy list! Sounds great!

  78. Alicia says:

    No plans for Halloween yet, I think it will depend on how much work I get done that week and what my Thursday ends up looking like.

    Thanks for participating in the hop(s) 🙂

    dmr8888 at yahoo dot com

  79. Lisa G says:

    No plans for Halloween loved the excerpt .


  80. Lisa G says:

    No plans for Halloween. Loved the excerpt


  81. Cheryl Lynne says:

    Great excerpt, sounds like a really good book! I’m spending Halloween watching scary movies with my family. Happy Halloween! cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com

  82. tanna4abak says:

    Love your books. No plans for Halloween. Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.

  83. deanna_boocock says:

    Novel sounds delicious

  84. Jessica B says:

    awesome excerpt and love the hot cover! Thanks for being a part of the hop! I hope that you have a great weekend!
    jessangil at gmail dot com

  85. Joy F says:

    No plans for Halloween. Book looks good and will add to my tbr list. Thanks.

  86. Stacy Wilson says:

    Wow. He does sound delish!!!

    Stacy Wilson

    dragn_lady at yahoo dot com

  87. Vanessa N. says:

    I love alpha males because they’re sexy, strong, and compassionate. This one sounds great. I’d definitely be tempted by him.

  88. Sue Sattler says:

    If I’m lucky, I’ll get to stay home and read, if not, then I’ll be taking my grandson out trick or treating.


  89. JessS says:

    No plans for Halloween, but thanks for the giveaway! Love to enter if it’s international.


  90. “There’s nothing I like more than an Alpha male–well, except an Alpha male with a dark, brooding past.”

    And your spunky heroines who tests their patience!

    Can’t wait for Nov 1st!

  91. wanda f says:

    Ill be sitting at home handing out candy to trick or treaters and watching scary movies .Thank you for this chance to win.

  92. Catherine says:

    We stay home and wait for the 150+ trick-or-treaters come to our house. I really enjoy that.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  93. Diane Sallans says:

    I like to be at home to hand out the candy & see all the kids in their costumes – hope the weather cooperates!
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  94. Alianne says:

    Heh, a guy like that says “mate me” I’m not sure I could resist, even if he is a blood sucking vamp. ;D Thanks for sharing!

  95. Ann Q says:

    Halloween is not a big thing in Australia, but like seeing what you all get up to. I am looking forward to reading that

  96. Denise Z says:

    Hopefully will get to hand out candy to the kidletts 🙂 Thank you for your generous participation in this fun hop.

  97. Natasha says:

    None yet. Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  98. bn100 says:

    That was nice. No plans yet.


  99. June M. says:

    No Halloween plans….Will probably spend the night at home with a good paranormal book and possibly a scary movie or two, and of course, CANDY! LOL
    manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

  100. Filia Oktarina says:

    WOW!! This was your new book. I must buy this book!!
    Love the excerpt. Thanks for sharing this post 🙂
    No plan, ’cause my country not celebrate Hallowen.
    filiafantasy at gmail dot com

  101. Christine says:

    Too stay at home at watch 80’s horror films. lol

  102. readourlipslinda says:

    Love this, =) thanks for the giveaway!
    My plans? Working =/

    best wishes, Linda

  103. Veronika says:

    Loved the blurb! Thank you for sharing!
    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  104. kym amaral says:

    no plans, my kids are both in college. I may get some candy and enjoy a movie 🙂

    Thanks for the hoppin fun !


  105. Thanks for the giveaway!
    We don’t celebrate Halloween her ein the country, but I am planning to do something fun with my kid first and then cuddle up with a wicked hot romance after that 🙂

    inga dot kupp at gmail dot com

  106. Misha K. says:

    Yup~ going to go trick-or-treating with my sister and the kids!

  107. miki says:

    i hope your giveaway is open to international because i have them on my wishlist for winning your book…signed book ( oki even not signed i would be over happy))

    my roleplaying club organise a special tchullu night for halloween so i have to decorate, cook etc then i will enjoy a good book

    thank you a lot

    all the best


  108. Chelsea B. says:

    Planning on going with my little brother trick or treating! He’s a ninja, and super excited 🙂

  109. No plans other than maybe just chilling with Scary movie marathon.

    Dawna Newman

  110. savannah miller says:

    I”m taking my little guys our trick or treating but that is about it 🙂

  111. Molly W. says:

    I can’t WAIT for Provoked to come out! I’ve been waiting forever to see Kane get his story and am looking forward to it. Great excerpt! 🙂

  112. Jeana says:

    Love the book cover, and thanks for the sample! I’m looking forward to taking the kids out trick-or-treating, and maybe a quick stop to the museum for some activities. They love the maze there. Happy Halloween!

  113. Pomma says:

    Of course I’ve added this to my gotta have list!
    Thank you for being a part of the blog tour!

  114. donnas1 says:

    Great hop!

    Thanks for the chance!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  115. chickie434 says:

    Thanks a bunch for participating, your books sound awesome!


  116. Virginia says:

    Happy Halloween! A little early. No plans. Ill most likely be home reading the last half of Breaking Dawn. Getting ready for the movie. 🙂 thank you for the excerpt!

  117. Shadow says:

    I love alpha heros. So hot! 🙂 I love how dominant, possessive, loyal and protective they are. Thank you for the awesome hop and giveaway! This is so much fun!

  118. ladyvampire says:

    My plans for Halloween are to give out treats to the kiddies for the first half of the evening and then later, I’ll be out ghost hunting with friends. 😉 Thanks for the giveaway!
    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  119. Marlene Breakfield says:

    I’m going to watch horror movies and pig out on snacks.

    1. Marlene Breakfield says:

      forgot e-mail

  120. Beckey says:

    Thanks for sharing the excerpt and being a part of the hop

    My plans for halloween is handing out books to the local neighborhood kids (they may be used books that I have purchased for my small online bookstore but its a treat to enjoy a good book)


  121. patricia crews says:

    taking my son trick or treating, and then stealing all the reese’s peanut butter cups n almond joys while he is sleeping, lol 😉 thanks for the hop and the chance to win your books 🙂

  122. Daniel M says:

    nope not doing anything beside giving out candy – regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  123. Jolene A says:

    Thanks for the tease!!! Can’t wait 🙂 I’m taking my kids trick or treating and will be trying very hard not to sneak any candy from their baskets


  124. I have no plans for Halloween.


  125. JLenniDorner says:

    I plan to spend Halloween with my nephews. (Future alphas??? Never know…)

    j.lennidorner AT facebook DOT com

  126. stacey7smith says:

    thanks for the chance.on Halloween I will just be giving out candy.

  127. carolBE says:

    Well, who knew Kane is such a sweet talker…LOL!

Comments are closed.