And You Thought the Bathtub was Bad

tubA while back, I wrote a post about the bathtub breaking me.  For some reason, my handsome, hardworking, artistic husband decided to raid the century-old family company’s land holdings and…decorate our back yard.  We live in a normal subdivision, and he put scales, windmills, and a freakishly heavy cast iron tub.

I know how heavy it is because I tried to freakin move it out of there.  While I appreciate creative gardeners who plant flowers in such items as tubs, toilets, and bedsprings…I am not one of those gardeners.  I planted tulips about ten years ago and am happy each spring when they pop up.  It’s a war between me and the local deer with those tulips as the spoils, but that’s a post for another day.  (The bathtub is still there, BTW).

parking meter art.jpgToday, I’d like to show you what was outside my front window when I returned from a conference.  How much do you think it costs to park in my driveway?  I’ve been asked by friends, and all I can do is shake my head.

Big Tone has assured me that it’s moving somewhere else, but just between you and me, I don’t think he has a plan.  I think it amuses the heck out of him that it’s right there.  Why, you ask?  I have no freakin clue.

For now, he’s chuckling, and I’m digging for quarters to park in my own driveway.  Good thing I love the man.  🙂

25 thoughts on “And You Thought the Bathtub was Bad”

  1. Deb Stewart says:

    He really should have put it by the sidewalk so your friends and visitors would have to dig for quarters to help pay for college for the kids…btw I like the Z!

    1. Thanks! The Z was a wedding present way back when…I’ve always loved that! 🙂

  2. Adaiah La Vonda says:

    Too funny. Now if Big Tone would put a Coca Cola dispenser out front kids would stop to purchase before school and after. lol

  3. MiQuelle says:

    Love it! Also love the Z way cool.

  4. Laura Napier says:

    Can’t help with the parking meter, I don’t always understand truly artistic people. On the other hand, a suggestion for the deer problem, try putting out fabric dryer sheets, the deer don’t like the smell and stay away from plants and shrubs. I have a friend who lives in the back and beyond and that is what she does.

  5. Anna-Marie Buchner says:

    Omg how funny But I’d rather have the meter than the tub LOL

    Anna-Marie Buchner

  6. phyllislm52 says:

    This was truly a laugh-out-loud moment for me when it finally registered in my brain just what I was looking at! I absolutely love it , and I gotta tell you, I am with Big Tone!!! I love that kitchy stuff from days gone by! 😉

  7. joanne says:

    Love it hope your hubby keeps it up

  8. I love it. It is so cool as the young people say.

  9. Lesley says:

    Hilarious !!! Thanks for sharing !

  10. Lori Meehan says:

    I love this post.

  11. jdh2690 says:

    So your hubby puts odd things in your yard, huh? Well, it could be worse, Rebecca. My hubby breaks things, makes big messes I have to clean up, lets things die in the yard unless I remind him to water and feed them…but I still love him, too. 🙂 (Yes, I’m the same Jan at, but I’ve switching to gmail for most of my stuff relating to books.)

  12. R. Walker says:

    Adorable–gotta love a man with a sense of humor 🙂

  13. ronnie cornett says:

    omg…he cracks me up!!! He keeps you guessing with what he’ll come up with next…LOL

  14. Shauni says:

    Not a huge fan of the bathtub.. but the parking meter.. now that’s cute in a rather quirky kinda way!!

  15. Nettie Lewis says:

    I’m sorry. I know you aren’t one of those gardeners but as someone who is I think it is beautiful. And congrats on having a husband with a free spirit. I have one myself and there is never a dull day. xoxo

  16. Denise Murray says:

    Maybe it is a meter for parking your butt in the chair! Just saying . . . LOL! 🙂

  17. VanillaOrchids says:

    That’s awesome. Maybe the parking meter is meant for those that wish to park their butts in that chair. 🙂

  18. BROOKLYN Ann says:

    Ha! Since I live downtown, I’d love to have one to put out on the 4th of July so the dang tourists will quit parking in my driveway!

    1. ronnie cornett says:

      Every summer the same thing happens to us….maybe we do need to put one in the driveway…LOL

  19. Maria says:

    I think it looks great, be happy is not a toilet! He seems to have a great sense humor. On the deer front, it reminds me of the “arrangement” I had with the bunnies about my strawberries and peppers. The birds on the other hand ate my blueberries. Good luck.

  20. Deb says:

    I like it all….but then, I also have a twisted sense of humor. And no class.

  21. Diane Sallans says:

    so I guess you’re not a fan of American Pickers? I love watching the show, but there’s only some things that I would want in (or outside) my house.

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