An Author’s House right After the Book is Done

So…I’ve been working hard on Book 4 of the Dark Protector series and sent it to my agent.  I ordered a new camera from Best Buy and it came yesterday…so I took a couple pictures of my house.  When the smoke cleared and I took a good look around, here’s what I saw:

Yes, the August Calendar is on my fridge right now. 

                              And my Christmas Tree is still up. 

And the laundry room looks like a herd of goats just passed through it. 

But hey…my book is done.  🙂

And…for the record…my house is usually pretty organized and clean.  But the last couple of weeks have been crazy meeting the deadline.  I have no explanation for the August calendar.  None. 

22 thoughts on “An Author’s House right After the Book is Done”

  1. Lynn Rush says:

    I can sooo relate. 🙂 Thanks for letting us in to your world a little bit, Rebecca!!! Hope you have some down time now for a second to relax. Have a super weekend.

    1. My world is an odd place, Lynn. Thanks for dropping by. 🙂 You have a great weekend, too!

  2. ROTFLMAO! Is there something wrong with these pictures? Ya mean the Christmas tree isn’t supposed to stay up until Easter? Ya mean you actually do laundry instead of just running to WalMart for more clothes in the middle of the night when you realize nothing is clean? I got nothing on the calendar. LOL. Seriously though …
    Hey finishing the book is worth it! We heart us some Dark Protectors. Can’t wait to read more.

    1. Awwww, thanks so much! To be honest, I hadn’t thought of heading to WalMart. We all do seem to need socks. Maybe I’ll go tomorrow! 🙂

  3. I don’t know what you’re talking about. That all looks very nice and organized to me. You have calendars, you decorated a Christmas tree, and you do laundry. That’s awesome. 🙂

    Congrats on finishing the manuscript. Can’t wait to read it!

    1. I love your outlook on life, Asa! I’ll see you tomorrow. 🙂

  4. What a hoot, Rebecca. At least my tree is down, but as for the rest of my house, it resembles yours. And I’m still working on my story. Oh well.

    1. Hi Alice! I’m glad I’m not alone here. 🙂 My tree will be down…soon. Really. Sometime soon. Have a great weekend!

  5. This is so awesome, I was laughing so hard I had to leave the bedroom the first time i read it. Had to leave it open for the hubby to see. I’m such a bad cleaner, it helps to have an excuse! lol. thanks!
    Your house is nice! Love the post hahaha

    1. Hi Bonnie! Yeah, I think the ‘working on book’ excuse is a great one. 🙂 Of course, now I need to update the calendar, take down the tree, and do laundry because I said I’m done. Sigh.

  6. Julie says:

    Your a very busy mom too! That would explain the calender! How about Tony helping you!

    1. Hey Julie! Tony does so much around here! I won’t let him touch the laundry because he goofs that up…but he has been taking care of everything else (and working hard at work) while I’ve finished this book. He even coaches the kids’ two basketball teams (and plays on his own.) 🙂

      Have a great weekend!

  7. Mary N says:

    Ooooo Look i see Fated right under ur calender! Ok i got totally excited seeing that! hehehe! But YAY on you finishing book 4!!!! i can’t wait for the release on that!!!! i’m jumping up and down for Conn’s book and Max!!!! Eeeeekkkkk!!!!! love you Rebecca!!!

    1. Hi Mary! Yeah, I have a Fated magnet somebody gave me that’s on my fridge (under the August calendar). 🙂 I’m hoping book 4 will be released as soon as June…I’ll keep updating the website with info. You have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Lori says:

    Loved the pictures. My tree is still up also. My husband would keep it up year if I’d let him. My calender is never on the right month because I forget I have one until I see it . So I see nothing wrong with those pictures. Your a very busy person. Wife, Mom and writer. I say have a glass of wine and kick back and enjoy the tree.

    1. Hi Lori – what excellent advice! In fact, that’s just what I did last night. The shiraz was wonderful. 🙂

  9. Wow, urm good luck with all of that…I guess sometimes one thing has to suffer so that we can create….

    1. Hi Savannah! What a good way to look at it! Yeah, I’m going with that. 🙂

  10. I have to ask Rebecca, does your family not help you with house work? Well they should!!!

    1. Hi Teresa! Actually, they do help a lot! The laundry room is my territory, though…I don’t share that one. But they do a lot of the other stuff around the house. (Except taking down trees and doing calendars.) 🙂

  11. Amanda says:

    Don’t feel bad, I was driving down the road and seen Santa still sitting on the front porch of a house haha

    1. Hi Amanda! Well…that may have been my house. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

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