An Astronaut, a Werewolf, and a Billionaire go into the Woods…

Welcome to the Cupid’s Choice blog hop!  We’re giving away a Nook, and I’m also giving away a signed copy of a book – winner’s choice.  Some of us used a scene generator to write a quick snippet of a story.  I ended up with three characters:  Astronaut, werewolf, and billionaire – and three adjectives to describe them – horny, supple, and sweaty.  My story takes place in a thick forest.  Click on the hot guy to go back to the hop.

HERE’s my snippet:

The astronaut was too intelligent to be so damn curvy.  Supple even.  Brilliance lit her sapphire eyes, while sin cascaded off her in strong enough waves to have the werewolf deep inside him howling.  Damn, he was horny.

Blaine forced down need and grabbed Callie’s arm, leading her onto a trail most people couldn’t find.  The thick forest surrounded them in an odd silence.  Yeah, the damn billionaire was near.  The guy could track anybody…and this time, he wanted the woman.  The astronaut who’d returned to earth with magical skills nobody could explain.

Well, most people couldn’t explain.  Blaine knew exactly what had happened…a werewolf could sense another were.  He needed to get the woman to safety before the full moon arrived.  Who knows how the virus ended up on Mars…but it had and she’d been infected.  “Good thing I need a mate,” he muttered, his groin tightening.

The billionaire rushed out from behind a wide pine tree, gun in hand.  He was sweaty and way too red in the face for good health.  “Please stop running.  I’ll find you anywhere.”

Callie took a step back.  “Why?  Why won’t you leave me alone?”

Insanity glowed in the man’s odd eyes.  “I know what you are…what happened to you.  The moon is coming, and you’ll be mine.”

At the claim, something calmed in Blaine.  Quick as a whisper, he struck out, grabbing the gun.  A swipe of his claws, and the nutjob stopped breathing.  Forever.

Callie gasped, stepping away. 

Blaine grabbed her arm, tugging her deeper into the forest, deeper into coolness.  The heat was boiling in the woman too fast.  The moon would rise in less than an hour, and then it’d be too late to stop.  Hell, it was already too late.  He could only hope to help her through the change.

She yanked away, leaning against a tree, her face flushed.  “I’m feeling odd.”  Her gaze raked down his chest, and a feminine growl rumbled from her sexy lips.  “Very odd.”

He flashed his canines, biting back a laugh at the alarm in her pretty eyes.  “Just wait.”

So…thanks for reading my snippet.  Do you have any plans for Valentine’s day?  How about for the weekend?  Do you think there’s life on Mars?   🙂  Remember to click on the guy angel above to return to the blog hop.

41 thoughts on “An Astronaut, a Werewolf, and a Billionaire go into the Woods…”

  1. Rebecca love the snippet…Nope no Valentine’s Day plans..Probably relax and write…Hope you have a naughty Valentine’s Day…

  2. Aleisha Hepfer says:

    Absolutely love the snippet! Only plans I have are baking cookies for the kiddo’s class and hopefully taking lunch to the hubby at work (though this is the weekend before since I have to work on v day too!). Not very exciting but you never know what life would throw at you. Hope you and everyone else has a very delectable day though!

  3. Nancy Loughrin says:

    love it!!! Although I’m married, I celebrate all my friends on Valentines day because I couldn’t make it through without them.
    Cheers all!!

  4. desiree says:

    My husband has to work on tuesday so we are celebrating on monday while the kids are at school. we are relaxing, going out for lunch and enjoying some chocolate covered strawberries.

  5. Well Valentines day is not exactly my favorite. I am normally either not with anyone at the time, or with one that celebrate it. I have never had a man to give me anything for Valentine day or even taken me out to dinner. However I do wish all of you a very Happy Valentines Day and hope that you have a very romantic and memorable time.

  6. cathy m says:

    That was a fun little snippet, Rebecca. We will go out to dinner on Monday night to beat the crowds, then my dh usually brings home a bouquet of flowers, and a mocha frappacino for my treat, and we watch a movie together that night.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your hubby.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  7. DebbyD says:

    Nothing big planned for Valentine’s Day itself. But, my husband is taking me on a 7-day cruise. We leave the 16th for Miami. I will be glad to get out of gloomy Illinois and catching up on all my reading while sunbathing on the cruise deck!

  8. Nina Pierce says:

    LOL! Yes, there’s life on Mars and no, no plans for Valentine’s Day. Very nice snippet.

  9. Awesome. Love the words you got from the generator 🙂

  10. Great snippet, Rebecca. No plans for Valentines Day except for chocolate. And (since we’re talking about chocolate) there must be life on Mars—or where did the Mars Bar come from?


  11. Cindy Holub says:

    Great scene! No plans.
    cholub1968 at

  12. Ashley Applebee says:

    Love that snippet! Nope, no fun plans for Valentine’s Day or the weekend 🙁 And sure there could be life on Mars lol
    Thanks for the great giveaway!!
    Ashley A

  13. Thanks for the story! I’m single, so I’ll be hanging around the house with a good book and some exceptional chocolate!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  14. Monica says:

    We are going out for a nice dinner an Sunday to celebrate VDay early and miss the crowds.
    mcv111 at hotmail(dot)com

  15. Loved the snippet. For Valentine’s Day I plan on making my husband his favorite meal for Valentine’s Day: Jambalaya!

    I love these hops. What a great way to discover new authors/blogs and visit with old friends.
    Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a fantastic prize!

  16. Cheryl Lynne says:

    Nice snippet! Happy Valentine’s Day! cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com

  17. JeanP says:

    Loved the snippet. No big plans for Valentine’s, will go out this weekend for dinner.
    Make my husband his favorite dessert, cheesecake for Valentine’s.

    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  18. Thank you for your frequent email/blog updates. I am to be surprised this Valentines Day and my husband is a romantic it will be sweet I am sure. I hope your Valentines Day is filled with laughter, love and chocolate!

    There is life out there – not on Mars it is too close…

  19. Amanda says:

    so cute, lol…..thanks!

  20. And then what??? This was much too short. I demand a sequel 😉 Happy Valentine’s Day.

  21. Kimberly Wise says:

    I have been waiting to get to your hop site… I just love your books! Happy Valentines Day!

  22. I love that you made the woman the astronaut and the billionaire the bad guy! 🙂

    My hubbie is in Europe on business over Valentine’s Day, so it will just be me and the dog. I’m okay with that though. The dog is a good listener and doesn’t mind me wanting to spend the whole evening watching Rom Com movies.

  23. Shadow says:

    No plans for me. Ill be home, cuddled up with a good book. 😉 Thanks for sharing! Happy Valentines!

  24. What a fun twist — I like the way you used the various characters!

  25. Darkreader says:

    I work at an elementary school and we are having a luncheon and hoping alot of parents come and eat with their children, my husband works mid shift and comes home just before I go to bed – so I’ll at least get a goodnight kiss!
    Happy Valentines Day

  26. JoAnna B says:

    That was great! I haven’t made any plans yet for Valentine’s Day. I better get moving. 🙂

    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  27. my day is going to be doing blogs my bd is t he 18 but i do not know what i be doing it now
    but the sound of the book wow they turn were and i love t hem kind and would like to read them all have great valentines day
    desi the blonde

  28. books4me says:

    Great excerpt…gives readers a good idea what kind of an author you are…um, a good one! LOL! No special plans this weekend or Valentine’s Day. Probably have coffee with hubby at local coffee shop:)

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  29. Lori says:

    I liked your snippet. I could read more. No plans this weekend I’m off so I’m going to have some much needed down time. We don’t really do anything for Valentine’s Day. I’m not sure about Mars, maybe you can write a good story and make me believe. LOL

  30. Julianne says:

    Just the three people gave me a little giggle, an astronaut, werewolf and a millionaire. Awesome snippet, so what happens next???
    I don’t have any plans for the weekend, no plans for Valentine’s Day and I do believe there might be some kind of life on Mars. I’m so boring. LOL!! But I read erotic romances so I have all I need.
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  31. Lisa J says:

    Great story snippet.

    No plans for Valentine’s Day. The pups and I have a quiet night at home.

  32. Shelley Elliott says:

    No big plans, probably go out next weekend, when everyone else is at home. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  33. lilblupixie says:

    I love the snippet cant want to get my hands on this book a definate must read for me .My plans for Valentines Day are to go to work come home and read and eat something sweet:)Have a great weekend

  34. Jessica B says:

    No plans for Valentine’s day here. work this weekend and Valentine’s day. I don’t know if there is life on Mars but I wont discredit it. I hope that you have a happy Valentine’s Day
    jessangil at gmail dot com
    -Jessica B

  35. catherine c says:

    loved the snippet- i could feel the heat!

    we have plans for a romantic dinner at a favorite restaurant

    hope you enjoy your Valentine’s day!

  36. Angie Adair says:

    Loved the snippet! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!Happy Valentines Day!

  37. ilona says:

    Unfortunately the only plans we have for Valentine’s Day is waiting for the engineer to turn up and repair my husband’s power chair so he can get to the hospital the next day 🙁 Need to win some great books to brighten up the day 😉

    felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

  38. Barbara says:

    I LOVE the way your mind works…GREAT little story! I’m going out to dinner with the hubs and probably dropping by the local casino before heading back home. Happy Valentines Day <3

    barbbattaglia @

  39. Jennifer L says:

    A curvy astronaut? Me likey

    Jennifer L

  40. Ciara Knight says:

    Oh, I LOVE that snippet. I could read all night. 🙂
    No V-Day plans. We spent last weekend in the mountains, so we celebrated early. 🙂

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