A Very Special Moment…

I’ve wanted to write this blog post for some time.  While I’m all right at making up character’s emotions, I’m not so great about sharing my own.  But, I’m ready to share.  When Lynn Rush emailed and asked me if I’d be interested in reading WASTELAND to provide a cover quote, I was stunned.  Honored, really excited, (because I hadn’t been able to read the entire book yet, and Lynn was offering to SEND IT TO ME), and…stunned.  I can’t really describe what if felt like when an author I truly admire wanted to quote me on her BOOKCOVER.  An actual quote.  With my name!

This writing journey is made up of moments.  The first time you write “the end.”  The first time you submit your story—the first rejection you get.  The first “the call” you get… your book in print…and being quoted on someone else’s book.  Yeah, there are ‘first’ moments still coming up for me, I hope.  But I wanted to say that being quoted was truly a special moment.  Lynn’s first book, and my first quote.

I agonized over that quote!  I loved the book and so wanted to get the words just right.  Finally, I just told the truth.  When all else fails, say what you feel. 
Here’s the quote:

So, Lynn, thank you so much for sharing the moment.  And for the rest of you, go read WASTELAND.  I promise you won’t be disappointed.  🙂

4 thoughts on “A Very Special Moment…”

  1. Lynn Rush says:

    Thanks, Rebecca. I’m so blessed by this post and your support! I’m totally crying right now!

  2. Romancemama says:

    I know! I’m new to taking my writing seriously, though I’ve played with it for years. Each small success is so exciting! Last night I filled out info for my first ad in RT, and hubs couldn’t understand why I was nearly in tears! Thanks for letting me know others feel the same!

  3. Wow, Rebecca. Those are such sweet words for Lynn! Very touching – for both of you, it seems. 🙂

  4. Thank YOU Rebecca for sharing your moments with us. You inspire me more than you know and I’m so grateful over how much you share of yourself, your advice, and your experience. I love your books and feel so lucky to have you as a chapter buddy.

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